Saturday, November 24, 2012

I apologize for not updating in almost a week.  
I feel really bad that the last post people have to look at is the one of all of them going to the bathroom.
I haven't had much time to sit down and put new pictures up.
But that doesn't mean I haven't been taking any.
I've taken tons.
So many I didn't know where to start.
My computer uploads faster if I just put a few pictures at a time up. So that's what I did.  I just clicked on some here and there, waited on them to upload and then did a few more.  They showed up in every random place throughout this post.  And once they're there, it's difficult for me to move them.  So here are my random pictures from the week. . .

I think this is purple collar looking cute, or scared because my youngest is coming maybe?

I love a good pile-o-puppies picture.

Here's Kirby getting his 6 week shot.  The rest of them got one too.
Here's Kirby again.
I took this and many others on a day they were running in every direction.  It was going to be called "BAD PUPPIES."

This one too.  They can't just play in the yard.

See what I mean?
They have to venture out to the field.
They also like to see what they can get into in the barn.
But they're so cute here I don't know that it would have made the "BAD PUPPIES" post.
On Thanksgiving morning, Sam and I took Annie and Dolly on the Turkey Trot in Springfield.

This is them after the race.
They did so well, but they were so tired by the end.
This didn't show up in the right order but here's Dolly and Sam running the race with more than 8,000 others who signed up too.

So there's a little update for you.  I'll try to put more up later.  I hope you're enjoying your holiday.  We consider all of you a blessing to be thankful for.

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