Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Mater's" Delivery

What seems like forever ago, someone called about a puppy.

He wanted one for his kids.

He wanted to give him as a Christmas present.
We live for this kind of stuff!
Kids, Christmas, puppies. . . We were all for it!
So Green Collar was the one reserved for them.
My boys called him Mater since that was their name for the original Green Collared puppy who is now Murphie.
So the plans went on for months.
This puppy would be delivered to them on December 23rd.
He would stay with cousins until Christmas morning.
He would be waiting for them on Christmas morning as a gift from Santa.
We gathered up the boys for another puppy delivery and headed to the cousins' house.
By the time I'd texted pictures of this puppy on almost a daily basis for about 6 weeks, the parents were just as excited to finally have him as they were for their kids to get him!

Now, about me. . .
I have to admit, once the puppy is in the hands of the owners it's a pretty big relief.
This was a lot of pressure, holding this puppy.
If I had let something happen to him, I would have ruined Christmas!

Here he is meeting Dawson, the cousins' family dog.
Dawson wasn't happy about it.
In fact, he went straight back into the house,
sat with his back to everyone,
and pouted.

And the boys came out of there with Spider Man toys and all the cookies they could eat!

Here he is with Dad.

Well, at least someone will like him if it turns
out the kids would have rather had an iPad.

He found himself a good place to rest.
Get it now pup, in a couple of days there will be no resting.

And then the inevitable. . .it was time to leave.
This was our last puppy of this litter.  There would be no more waiting at home.
This wasn't easy for anyone to watch.
What were we to do?

So we took them to the Wild Lights display at
the zoo.
That seemed to help.

And they got a little present from Santa, too.
Although, it was really cold.

As for the Christmas puppy,
he was a total surprise!
A great surprise!
In the words of the oldest, "Am I dreaming or is that really a dog?"
What fun to take part in that!
And his name. . .
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
P. S. Sending me Christmas pictures of your dog would be welcomed here!

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