Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Guess who's frustrated right now...

The puppies?

Seriously, what do they have in their world that frustrates them?

Besides my boys on occasion.
But no, not the puppies.
The boys?

Uh, no.
They have a stockpile of Easter candy right now.
What do they have to frustrate them?

No, boys and puppies jumping on her doesn't seem to frustrate her.

And it has to do with computers.
And how I hate them.
And how they make me feel dumb.
And I hate them.
I finally got my defective hot spot replaced!
So I have internet in my home again!
I thought it would be wonderful.
I also got a replacement computer.
I thought it would be wonderful.
The problem is, I could barely figure out how to find my pictures and now I can't figure out how to organize them into folders.
So I have things like our Easter festivities. .  .

in with my puppy pictures.
This whole blog updating process has taken me forever.

And now I'm too tired to comment on any of the pictures.

So, due to the fact that I'm now frustrated and tired, I will not be commenting on the pictures.
They will be strictly for your viewing pleasure.

Mater, running.

Pink collar, looking cute.

Red Collar, with something hanging from his mouth.

Rosie (purple), just waking up.

Sloan, with his curly ears.

Red collar, bonding with my son.

Doc (black collar), watching his siblings.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy do you think Candy is that these are not her puppies to care for?
I say a 12.

"Ya know, Annie. . . you're next."
I'm going to bed.
Ok, so I commented on them a little, but they were obvious comments, ones that required little thought.

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