Friday, May 25, 2012

This is not like me to post without pictures.  I believe that the pictures should speak 1,000 words, not me.  But in fear of ruining my camera today, I left it behind.  We don't believe in spending all our time in the house during the summer and since it was pretty hot here today, we loaded up and went to the river.

We took the kids and dogs with the exception of Sandy, who is at home on bedrest.  We took Apolla, our last 9 week old puppy.  She did so great, I regretted not bringing my camera almost as soon as we got there.  She waded out in the water by herself and swam across the river!  It was wonderful, so effortless, so quick!

Huck hit another milestone too.  While he likes the river and water, he usually only swims when he has to or accidentally gets too deep.  He generally likes to run and splash.  But today as we were floating around in our canoe, he swam right behind us the whole time.  We were so proud.

It almost would have been worth ruining the camera for some of the pictures I could have gotten.


  1. I swear, you make me want a DOZEN of 'em !!! LOVE the pics ............

    Angie Brooks

    1. I'm afraid I talked to your husband yesterday and he's not convinced. :( Something about too many animals...dogs, cats, chickens...blah, blah, blah.
