Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Just a few Pictures

The puppies are getting bigger!  Noticeably bigger...by the day!  So much so, that when I take pictures I can't get them up before they are soon outdated as the puppies have changed so much.  But I thought, what the heck, I'm posting them anyway.

So basically, the boys are LOVING having these puppies around.  We are in winter mode where we just don't have a lot going on right now, so the timing, as far as attention goes, is perfect.
While the puppies have changed since I took this about 4 days ago, they do still love to curl up and sleep...a lot.  In fact, I'm going to start using the phrase "sleeping like a puppy" instead of a baby.  I know how my babies slept and that phrase never quite made sense to me.
I guarantee my boys go to school smelling like a dog every day.

This is Lucy, our 7 month old pup.  She's been dying to get around these puppies since they were born.  She proved there was nothing to worry about when she did get close. As you can see, she was very friendly.

The last couple of days have been great for everyone to be outside!

The puppies are still a little small to care about being on the ground, and I always get too paranoid...but that doesn't mean it still wasn't great to sit outside with them.

And then my boys were actually tolerant of the pictures...and each other, so I got a little carried away with the photos.

But I have no regrets.

Whoops, this is a little out of order!
But I'm not removing it.
So that's all I've got for now.  Soon I'll be putting collars on them (because they-especially Candy's litter- look identical), but for now, Sam tells me to let them be little...

I would also like to invite you to visit our NEW website-Finley River Retrievers.com!!
It is still a work in progress for sure, but I hope you enjoy!
And as always, thank you to our loyal followers!  We love ya!

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